Australian sites
The Billabong Prayers, hymn suggestions
Laughing Bird Liturgical Resources various resources
Stepping Stones further links to resources
Rev Bill Loader commentary on New Testament passages
Mustard Seeds various resources and ideas
Rev Bruce Prewer full liturgy, sermons
International Sites
Revolution Commentary, prayers
Starters for Sunday Commentary, prayers, sermon ideas
Worship Ways Prayers, CAll to worship,…
The Text This Week Further links to many resources
The Timeless Psalms Reflections around the Psalms
Children’s Worship
Dollar Store Children Sermons ideas for object lessons
Worshipping with Children lots of ideas
General Reference
Bible Gateway access to various versions of the bible
Lectionary List listing of lectionary readings for each week
CCLI song licencing, recording, lyrics
Small Church Music mp3 files of hymn music – mostly free
Together to Celebrate hymn suggestions for each week
Singing from the Lectionary hymn suggestions for each week